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The Free Kit Martin Podcast


We remain patient in seeking justice for Christian Kit Martin. A former Army Ranger now serving a life sentence for a triple homicide he did not commit. Joining Crystal McKenzie wi...


Episode list


  • May 5, 2024

    50 min

    A Poop Bucket Full of Lies on Reddit

    It looks as though the one and only Adele Joan Gritton has risen from the ashes and apparently has taken to Reddit. Let's read some of the comments from both Joan and the Free Kit ...

  • April 21, 2024

    29 min

    THE HEAT IS ON With Emilio Corsetti

    Emilio Corsetti joins the conversation as we debunk the funk. The Leonard Scott Smith character is at it again but not without more questions. Everything on this podcast is for edu...

  • March 31, 2024

    54 min

    Wrongful Convictions Are Real

    Studies estimated that between 4 to 6 %. In terms of real numbers meaning that an estimated 1 in 20 criminal cases result in a wrongful conviction. With almost two million people i...

  • March 11, 2024

    51 min

    More Questions Than Answers In Kit Martin Case

    We will continue to ask the questions and by the way, they are getting harder to ask the longer Kit Martin is imprisoned. He didn't commit these crimes. He is 100% Innocent, and we...

  • February 19, 2024

    45 min

    Horse Poop

    This whole fiasco can be summed up in two words. Horse poop. We learn in this episode that the Injustice Industy is alive and well in Kentucky and something smells.

  • February 13, 2024

    32 min

    What Happened In Pembroke Murders? - The Alt Theory

    Emilio Corsetti has written the book about this case. I WILL RUIN YOU - The Twisted Truth Behind the Kit Martin Murder Trial will hit shelves March 26th. We asked Emilio to give us...


